if you have dark brown i would say do both a copper(lighter brown) along with a darker blonde...they'll help your hair look more like a natural highlight from the sun! ask your hairstylist about it...they'll def know how to do it and what ur talkn about! but i would DEF say both highlighted colors! copper and dark blonde!
goodluckI dont know which color to highlight my hair?
Golden blonde
if your hair is chocolate- leave it the way it is. i have sandy blonde hair i wish mine was that color- chocolate is georgous!!
a blonde.
Light brown. Don't do blonde, it doesn't look as natural.
Personally dark hair with light highlights look horrible! You will look like Crualla Deville!! I sugguest a carmel color!
Light brown. Reddish highlight actually look nice, too. My little sister has dark brown hair and she has natural reddish highlights from the sun. They are gorgeous.
The light brown of course will look better, since your hair is dark brown. If u will highlighted with blond, it is not really bad , but it just not gonna fit with your hair's color like the light brown.
Light brown because it looks better.
A blond. It looks great against dark hair. My friend has it and she looks amazing.
light brown i have dark brown hair and all of my friends say light brown highlights
well if your hair is dark brown then a golden blond or a lighter brown will be very pretty and if you really want to know what it will look like they have hair pieces that you can put in your hair to see what it will look like.
I would go with light brown. It will look more natural.
dont go too blonde it may turn copper, light brown would be best. it will look natural but still sexy and noticeable.
I would go to a professional hairdresser because they have
more experience and would maybe have better suggestions than people on a computer answering service.
My hairdresser has mentioned to me that I should get highlights also but I have been afraid to because it is so expensive but may last me a long time.($90 USD)
(I would trust my hairdresser rather than a box!)
Good luck in whatever you decide.
or with lighter high-lights....
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